Clawing Up Rock Walls

This weekend I was inspired by a reader to go back and look at some of the writing I did a few years ago. This is a poem I wrote while I was at University. I make no claims that it’s any good, but I find it interesting to see where I was before. My stress, my anxiety, my loneliness was an anguish but even then, through it all, I’ve held on to that flame of hope.
Clawing Up Rock Walls
Cold stone stairs spiral down,

Flee from red devils behind,

scarlet forked tails whip,

trip me up,

wrap around my throat, puncture

it to the wall; 

Fingers gouge temples pulse,

pry my brain pan apart,

skull cracks

blood spirals out, in

to my mind —

The faster I run, the harder

to stop;

Crash to face what lies

at my two bare feet,

icy pale on frozen mortar,

before my body–


Sometimes you need to hit a wall, fall, before you realize that what you were running from, is better to be faced, head on. I’ve picked myself back up. I need to stand, back to the wall… my hand is here — open.